Saturday 9 November 2013



On the weekend I headed down to Dawesville for a fun filled day of fishing with Grandpa. When I got there the Dinghy was packed and ready to go with prawn bait and mullies. Armed with my trusty old fishing rod and old weather resistent clothing I was ready for a fishing challenge. We were on the water by 4.30 winds were blowing south westly and it was a gorgeous hot sunny day. We did a bit of trowl fishing to begin with down the esturary and through the bridge but we didn't have much luck. So we decided to find a nice fishing spot and drop anchor. The visibility in the water was murky, for about 2 hours I was pulling blow fish like there was no tomorrow. After about 25 blow fish catches I had earned the title of Blow fish Queen in the Dinghy and I was beginning to wonder whether I was actually going to land one edible fish in Dawesville. Grandpa was becoming increasingly keen on the idea of throwing me overboard and making me swim to shore. 7.30 hit the sun was setting and we still hadn't caught one edible fish as I was telling grandpa that we might have to source a seafood place ...hint n chips for dinner. Bang grandpa's line got slammed by something and it definately wasn't a blow fish this time. The tailor were in, it was night time by this time so I had to act quickly or I was going to loose my opportunity and my reputation. I re rigged my line. put on my head torch and used mullie as my bait. I casted off and slowly drew the line in. The blowies had completely dissappeared by this time and the bigger fish were out. The first tailor I lost off the line as I was pulling him in much to my dissapointment, but the next one I made sure, it landed in the Dinghy. It was an exciting, intense hour of bite after bite, we even had a few dolphins swim by the Dinghy. By 8.30 the tailor died off and so did the bites. We caught 13 tailor but had to release 6 because they were undersized. Grandpa caught the most tailor but I had the biggest tailor catch for the night so we were pretty much even square I reakon. I was just glad that we caught a good feed for the night.   :)   

buggar another blow fish!